
Is a SESAR 3 Fast Track project that will enable the safe accommodation of IAM in European ATM and U-space through development and validation of two solutions …


About OperA

European SESAR 3 project that will enable the safe accommodation of Innovative Air Mobility (IAM) in European Air Traffic Management (ATM) and U-Space through development and validation of two IAM solutions addressing the whole eco-system of manned air-taxi and unmanned cargo cross-border operations. IAM is a new safe, secure and more sustainable air transportation system for passengers and cargo, enabled by new technologies and integrated into multimodal transportation systems.


Benefits for European
society and economy

CO2 emissions: The expected enabled & higher usage of zero emissions aircraft will enable up to 370kg of CO2 reduction per flight/hr compared to a helicopter. A mid-sized petrol car produces about 7kg/hr on average (2.3 kg CO2 per litre gasoline). Savings of 30-50% of the CO2/pkm compared to electric cars.

The savings comes from the time needed to fly from A to B instead of driving from A to B. If we consider the same ground and air distance, typical truck speed would be 80km/hour while Nuuva will fly 200/hour, the delivery time would be reduced by ~60%.

E.g. Aalborg (Denmark) – Oslo (Norway) is around 300 km by plane, around 400 km by truck. Nuuva will perform cargo delivery of 300kg in less than 1,5 hours, while it is around 6h of driving with a truck, so ~75% time savings.

The savings comes from the time needed to fly from A to B instead of driving from A to B. If we consider the same ground and air distance, typical truck speed would be 80km/hour while Nuuva will fly 200/hour, the delivery time would be reduced by ~60%.

E.g. Aalborg (Denmark) – Oslo (Norway) is around 300 km by plane, around 400 km by truck. Nuuva will perform cargo delivery of 300kg in less than 1,5 hours, while it is around 6h of driving with a truck, so ~75% time savings.

The savings comes from the time needed to fly from A to B instead of driving from A to B. If we consider the same ground and air distance, typical truck speed would be 80km/hour while Nuuva will fly 200/hour, the delivery time would be reduced by ~60%.

E.g. Aalborg (Denmark) – Oslo (Norway) is around 300 km by plane, around 400 km by truck. Nuuva will perform cargo delivery of 300kg in less than 1,5 hours, while it is around 6h of driving with a truck, so ~75% time savings.

For regional air mobility, 175km operating range route is considered to be a very typical use case. The connection between the two regions of Malaga and Granada (validated in the OperA project) is a typical example. Today there is no high-speed ground-based transportation system available. The fastest ground-based connection is by car with an approximately 90-minute travel time for this 123km trip. With the Lilium Jet, the travel time from airport to airport can be reduced at least 50%. For connection between London Heathrow and Cambridge, Vertical estimates this could be at least 70% reduction with their VX4 compared to car and 75% compared to train. 

The advanced levels of automation and autonomy brought by OperA project will play an important role in reduction of costs of operations. The first operations that will benefit from this capability will be cargo drones. The project will enable multiple unmanned cargo vehicles to be supervised by only 1 supervisor. The OperA project will bring in and demonstrate 1: N aircraft supervision (i.e., one operator supervises N aircraft and does not fly them). This will enable the first savings, that will be further extended when the aircraft become fully autonomous. 

Especially the new developed flight procedures for eVTOL in a CTR and approach in IMC, the development of procedures for the integration of manned eVTOL in U-Space and integration in the U-Space platforms. With these improvements in flight operations, we expect a more reliable operation, more flights per hour and a safer operation without an additional workload for ATC during and after the project. We also expect similar efficiencies at all big European airports with different runway configurations like Malaga, Stuttgart and Dusseldorf. 

Latest news

The OperA project involves a three-year multidisciplinary collaboration between 14 value chain partners from 11 European countries covering the whole ecosystem for IAM aircraft.

Hosting a delegation from the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization

In January, our partners in the OperA project, ENAIRE and CRIDA A.I.E., had the honor of hosting a delegation (more…)

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Simulated integration demonstration in Bristol

Last week the OperA Vertical Cluster hosted another simulated integration demonstration in Bristol to demonstrate (more…)

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Opera at Global Mobility Call

This week, our project partner Aena attended the Global Mobility Call (more…)

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Stay tuned!

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