OperA is a SESAR 3 Fast Track project that will enable the safe accommodation of IAM in European ATM and U-space through development and validation of two solutions, addressing the whole eco-system of manned Air Taxi and Unmanned Cargo cross-border operations in all types of airspace – controlled, uncontrolled and U-space, and in real-life ATM conditions.

About OperA

European SESAR 3 project that will enable the safe accommodation of Innovative Air Mobility (IAM) in European Air Traffic Management (ATM) and U-Space through development and validation of two IAM solutions addressing the whole eco-system of manned air-taxi and unmanned cargo cross-border operations.

IAM is a new safe, secure and more sustainable air transportation system for passengers and cargo, enabled by new technologies and integrated into multimodal transportation systems. The European Commission’s initiative for safe and secure integration of drones and other autonomous aircraft into our airspace, namely U-Space, will play a key-role in enabling Innovative Air Mobility, which is expected to advance autonomous technologies in a number of areas.

The project represents a unique opportunity to jointly develop and validate the needed IAM airborne and on ground technology enablers, the operations in real European environment, the standardization, regulation and roadmaps that will unlock affordable, flexible, and environmentally friendly uptake of U-Space and Innovative Air Mobility in Europe.

Project plan highlights

The SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking is an institutionalised European partnership between private and public sector partners set up to accelerate through research and innovation the delivery of the Digital European Sky. To do so, it is harnessing, developing and accelerating the take-up of the most cutting-edge technological solutions to manage conventional aircraft, drones, air taxis and vehicles flying at higher altitudes.


Enable safe and efficient operations in all types of airspace (controlled, uncontrolled and U-space) and conditions by validating three different complex IAM (piloted Air Taxi and unmanned cargo) operations in real-life ATM conditions (TRL7), including contingency and non-nominal situations.


Enable sustainable Innovative Air Mobility services by addressing Air/Ground integration and the critical transition steps from piloted towards automated flights for five key autonomy-enabling technologies and two ground infrastructure capabilities at TRL7.


Accelerate the deployment of Innovative Air Mobility by addressing necessary standardization, regulation and roadmaps, in synchronization with the ongoing certification of the three European IAM vehicles.


Ensure environmental sustainability compared to the other available means of transport and enhance it by optimizing flight routing for minimum noise footprint and aircraft energy utilization.


Ensure social acceptance by targeted communication and dissemination activities.